Welcome to Montegrosso, landscape of art and art of landscape

The town of Montegrosso is arranged as an amphitheatre between two hilly spurs in the Astesana wine area.
It was the birthplace of Giacomo Scotti, founder of the Peasants' Party, who is also buried here. In addition, inside the family chapel in the cemetery is the tomb of the painter Enrico Paulucci delle Roncole, descended from Montegrosso by his mother's side.
A curiosity: the town has a music band which was founded in 1879.
The toponym is attested as Monsgrossus and Montisgrossij in documents from the mid-12th century. It was originally part of the countryside of Loreto until 1149, when it was ceded to the Municipality of Asti.
The location of this town is strategic, since it's placed along the route used for trading with Liguria, and this is the reason why its history is a succession of occupations and conflicts. To give some examples, in 1155, following the defeat of Asti at the hands of Federico Barbarossa, the Marquises of Incisa occupied the village, but a few years later the people from Asti returned, destroyed the village and rebuilt it on the hill. In the Chronicles of Asti it's told about violent conflicts between Guelphs and Ghibellines occurred in Montegrosso during the fourteenth century. And also later on, during the wars for the succession of Monferrato, the village was subjected several times to military attacks, due to its strategic position along the road Nice-Asti.